Saturday, July 11, 2020

[ePalestine] Palestinians deserve a coherent leadership

Palestinians deserve a coherent leadership!
الفلسطينيون يستحقون قيادة متماسكة! 

هذا ليس نقدا من أجل النقد، بل محاولة لطرح ضرورة التغييرات الهيكلية في الوكالة السياسية الفلسطينية. ويمكن الاطلاع على اقتراح بشأن ما تحتاجه الإجراءات التصحيحية في هذين المقالين السابقين:

This is not criticism for the sake of criticism, but rather an attempt to make the case that structural changes are need in the Palestinian political agency. A suggestion on what corrective actions need to take place may be found in these two past opinion pieces:

May 19, 2020

Open letter (my second) to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Leadership (Medium and in Arabic at Wattan News and Al-Hadath News)

July 6, 2019

Open Letter to Chairman of the PLO and President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas (Medium, and in Arabic in Al-Quds Newspaper and Al-Hadath and WATTAN)